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/ Money in the 90s (1994 Edition) / Money In the 90s.iso / picture2 / 0893c42.shg (.png) < prev    next >
Segmented Hypergraphics Bitmap  |  1994-01-21  |  125KB  |  453x351  |  8-bit (230 colors)
Labels: grandstand | monitor | sky | vegetarianism
OCR: LEADING HOME. EQUITY LINES INTHEL ARGEST METRO AREAS Raleaso Rato Maximunt Telephon Institutior July cqal Points ralt Atlanta Scutt Trust Bark of Geugr. 7.50% Prre -1.50% Nore 18.00 +250-956 +.* Baltimore Chase Ban cf Many ard 5.002 Prime 1.00 Nore 1E.00 810.242-7325 Bostan Saam. Bans 6.503 Prine 1.50 Nere .00 800.742- 5668 Chicago Firsl Amerkar Bant 7.20 Prime 1.00 Ncne E.00 708-952 -3030 Cleveland Collar Bank 7.50 3-ITO. T-bill+1 50 Ncne 14.10 216-241-25E0 Denver Bank Ona 7.CO Prire 1+ 1.00 .00 303-292-4050 Detroit Far Tingtor. 7.50 Pima 1.50 12.00 801-642-4636 Los Angeles Matcna Ba k oF Lcng Beach 7.50 Prima +1.57 1e.00 310-595-221 Miami First + Urion Net cnal s Fis 7.50 Frima + 1.50 18.10 305-789-5000 Mimeapolis Linars State Ran. 8.00 Prrma -2.00 Yane 21.00 612-646-2031. New Yark Cily ...